Grupo Mazo Code of Ethics

Grupo Mazo ensures all our vehicles, services, and staff comply with current regulations. To this end, we have drawn up a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct, which all workers must follow. Likewise, we have also set up a Reporting and Whistleblowing Procedure.

Grupo Mazo Whistleblowing Procedure

The Reporting and Whistleblowing Procedure is the channel which all employees or members of Grupo Mazo must use to report any conduct or wrongdoing that may constitute criminal behaviour of which they are aware .This procedure is fully confidential.

To file a report or make a disclosure please fill out the following form and return it either via the website; by email to; by post to the company’s business address, addressed to the Compliance Officer; or by depositing it in the complaints boxes provided for this purpose at the company’s facilities.

We hope you all make use of this useful tool provided by GRUPO MAZO which will improve everyone’s working day at the company.